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Travel Agency

Domestic Airline, Hotel

Please ask Okinawa Tourist Co. to reserve a domestic airline or hotel.
An sample of fare to make a round trip:

betweenfare to make a one-way trip
Sendai-Naha 20,800 yen
Haneda(Tokyo)-Naha 15,500 yen
Nagoya-Naha 15,500 yen
Osaka-Naha 13,000 yen
Fukuoka-Naha 11,500 yen

Price for a hotel reservation, it costs 6,000 yen(single), 5,500 yen(double)

  1. Please register until July 31, Saturday.
  2. For more information, please ask Okinawa tourist Co.
  3. Agency: Okinawa Tourist Co.
    phone: +98-864-1271, FAX: +98-869-1065, e-mail: uezato@otsinfo.co.jp
  4. Prices for air-line/hotel can be change due to conditions.

Map of Naha city (in Japanese)

map of Naha city
(Please click the map to enlarge)

(CAUTION) We don't have any warranty for any troubles. If you have any question, please ask "Okinawa Tourist Co." directly.


Last modified: Fri Jun 11 21:41:16 2004
Ken-ichi Yamamoto
e-mail: yamamoto@eee.u-ryukyu.ac.jp